Sunday, 26 March 2023

Episode 250: Roller Coaster Ride

In the mood for a makealong?  Come and join in the 2023: Another Year of Stash and the Yarn of the Month Club in the A Stitch in Time Podcast group on Ravelry.

Finished Projects

Works in Progress
Simply Fun MKAL (spoiler alert)

The Frog Pond

Up and Coming

Also Mentioned

If you enjoy this podcast, consider subscribing to the A Stitch in Time Podcast YouTube channel and joining the A Stitch in Time Podcast Ravelry group. 

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Episode 249: A Hint of Spring

In the mood for a makealong?  Come and join in the 2023: Another Year of Stash and the Yarn of the Month Club in the A Stitch in Time Podcast group on Ravelry.

What I'm Wearing

Finished Projects

Friday, 3 March 2023

Episode 248: In Like a Lion

The new year brings some new makealongs.  You can find 2023: Another Year of Stash and the Yarn of the Month Club in the A Stitch in Time Podcast group on Ravelry.

Finished Projects

Works in Progress
Simply Fun MKAL (spoiler alert)

Up and Coming

Also Mentioned

If you enjoy this podcast, consider subscribing to the A Stitch in Time Podcast YouTube channel and joining the A Stitch in Time Podcast Ravelry group.