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Finished Projects
Smoking Hot August Socks
Deep in the Forest Socks
Anthology Mystery Shawl (Spoiler Alert)
Works in Progress
Anthology Mystery Socks (Spoiler Alert)
Up and Coming
Life Cycle Socks for the Grocery Girls September Sockbash
Sunflower Socks
Shawl #5 for Shawl Society II
What I'm Reading
My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella (audiobook)
Nikon Coolpix A900
Yoth Yarns Big Sister in "Honeydew Melon", "Avocado", and "Thyme"
Farmers Daughter Fibers Rocky Mountain Purls in "Spring Fever"
Magpie Swanky Sock in "Hell's Bells"
Stock Your Sock Drawer project bag